Tuesday, August 2, 2011


WOO HOO! You can now find me on Bloglovin!!

I have only been blogging for a little over a month now and have been a blog reader for about the same time.  Over and over I have heard about Bloglovin, seen the buttons on people's pages and sort of just pushed the idea out of my head.  I'll figure it out later!  I don't need it!  Psssshhhh!!! (Just some of the thoughts that would go through my head at the idea of signing up)  Well, I caved!  And I've gotta admit, it's my new favorite way to read my favorite blogs.  See, I'm one of those.... scroll down the reader and open each one in a different window kind of blog readers.  I follow and read A LOT of blogs so I open probably six at a time and sit back and work my way through them.  I don't like to use google reader because I like to SEE the blog... I want to see the layout and get the entire experience.  Bloglovin just seems to make my clicking and new windows a lot easier and organized. (Think I'm a weirdo yet?)  There is probably a much more simplified solution to the way I read other blogs but I haven't found it yet.  And hopefully this post makes sense to you and I'm not just rambling and rambling on and on about ridiculousness.  *nervous laugh*  

Anyway!  If you'd like to follow me on Bloglovin just click HERE!

And let me know if you are on there as well!  As I read blogs straight from blogger I'm checking to see if they have the nifty button but I know I'm missing some!


  1. I'm Bloglovin'-less right now...I've toyed with the idea of signing up but every time I go to do it...I chicken out because it looks like something I'd really have to sit down and figure it out. I'm thinking once the move is over and done with I may cave and finally sign up! Plus, this isn't public knowledge yet but I'm adopting a new kitten once I'm moved into my new place so it's going to be chaos for a bit! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

  2. Cute blog!! I just started following you. I love Bloglovin' so much more than any other reader (besides the fact that you can't see who is following you).

    Mine is here: http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/2617744/jenny-igloo

  3. I've been ignoring Bloglovin, but maaaybe I'll be converted too, haha! I read my blogs in the same manner you described. I always have so many tabs open!


  4. I do the same thing! I love to see the blogs. People work so hard on the designs for a reason! Here's my Bloglovin page: http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/2498181/if-its-the-beaches

  5. Glad I'm not the only one!!!! :P Following you guys on there now. :D


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