Friday, July 8, 2011


This morning I woke up quite suddenly, sweating despite my AC be turned to 60 degrees.  I was twisted up in my comforter and my jaw ached from clenching it.  It took me a moment to remember that I was dreaming.... and it wasn't pleasant.  New York City, motorcycles, blood-drenched race tracks, empty dance halls and losing my mother somewhere in the streets.  I can't remember the details now but when thinking about it I still get the creeps.  Maybe I will start a dream journal and write about them more.

Do you have nightmares often?  How well do you remember them?


  1. I do remember my dreams pretty vividly. I find I have nightmares when I'm not physically comfortable--especially when I'm too hot. Did you take that photo by the way? Wow!

  2. Ugh, that's miserable! It's such a feeling of panic when you wake up from one and are trying to get your "am I awake or still dreaming" bearings. I had an awful nightmare two nights ago that had my heart pounding like crazy when I abruptly woke took me awhile to will myself back to sleep. I've heard what we eat makes a difference when it comes to dreams/nightmares. Mental greasy cheese pizza too close to bed time...that seems to be what had my head spinning!

  3. Janet - That makes a lot of sense... maybe I WAS hot in my comforter and I was super wrapped up in it... perhaps that's what brought it on.

    Jenna - I hate when I can't fall back asleep after a nightmare... especially when it's not time to get up! I didn't eat anything weird before bed last night.... though I KNOW that has caused nightmares in the past. And yes, I did take the photo. It was a random tree I saw at a zoo in North Carolina YEARS ago (can't even remember the zoo... gah!). I was amazed at how the picture came out. :)

  4. If you keep a dream journal it is important to keep it by the bed. even in the time it takes you to get it you forget a lot. some dreams I remember some not, some are vivid, others blobs and blurs. it may even make sense to use a tape recorder and just say everything as to get it out faster. Stephen King's books are based on his dreams. I would not want to be him.

  5. I do have nightmares sometimes, but rarely remember the details.

  6. eek. How frightening. No wonder you woke up in a cold sweat. I've been having really vivid dreams for the past few days, too. Weird.

  7. Ugh, man. I didn't have a nightmare per se, but last night's dream was bizarre. I was getting ready for a craft show (have one tomorrow, so that's obviously what inspired the dream), when GIANT animals stormed the city and started eating people off of the buildings. I watched somebody get swallowed by a zebra before I woke up.

  8. Paige - Oh my goodness!!! A zebra?! I almost want to see that.... :P

  9. I love nightmares... Wait, did that sound weird?

  10. I have nightmares & dreams frequently, and I always remember them. They really can be quite vivid sometimes!


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