Saturday, November 5, 2011

Winter is Coming

Most of the time I sleep with a window open -- even in the dead of winter.  I love waking up to that biting chill and it makes sleep come so much easier.  Yesterday however was freezing when I woke up.  My window was open ALL the way and man.... a lot of cold air was let in.  After scrambling out of bed and immediately closing the window, I headed downstairs to let Yama outside.  Frost!  I don't know if it was the first of the season (probably not) but it was the first big one that I have noticed.  It really was beautiful.


  1. You captured the frost beautifully! ~ M

  2. Beautiful photos. We actually got a couple of inches of snow last week, eeeek!

  3. Great photos! I especially like the second one down. Enjoy your crisp cool weather.

  4. Beautiful photos. Winter IS coming, and I am so not ready.

  5. I've been wiping frost off my car for a week now in Indiana. It's a love/hate relationship.


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